
THE TESTBED is a unique, narrative-driven & fully immersive interactive Environment

based on the theories presented in Nick Bostrom’s* paper “Are YOU Living in a Computer Simulation?

This theory challenges our perceptions of reality, creation & what it means to be humaN

*Nick Bostrom - PhD, Oxford University 2003.

BOSTROM’S THEORY states that the trajectory of development in computer science will eventually result in the ability to realistically simulate complete universes, featuring Artificial Intelligence.

Accepting this, we must therefore also accept we could be living in a simulation developed by an older & more advanced race who are, in turn, also a simulation.

Ultimately, our universe could be millions of simulated universes away from reality & the original creators.

the design

THE TESTBED is a concept-stage & art installation which explores these themes. It asks its audiences to consider:

“if we are in a simulation & on a trajectory that leads to simulating a new universe, then how would we desire that universe to be different from our own?”

If audiences can identify positive differences that they want to create in a new universe, why can’t we make them here?

Audiences leave THE TESTBED inspired to create positive changes in their own universe.


If our universe is a simulation, your festival represents the subsequent level of a simulated universe.

within your festival is the birthplace of the next simulation - where revellers can be immersed in & interact with the next iteration; The testbed.

the Testbed

Audiences are welcomed to an intimate arena of which our artists have transformed into a living, learning, cyberpunk machine filled with retro CRT monitors & television sets.

Whilst dancing to DJ’s, festival-goers interact with the environment - the machine responds to the movement of audience members, manipulating visuals across the screens.

the machine is studying & learning human & intelligent behaviour

In-between sets, our artists deliver a stand-alone & hypnotising audiovisual performance: the birth of the Artificially Intelligent being who will populate the new simulation

Phase 1:

At first, the being resists its own birth: refusing to absorb knowledge from festival-goers in response to humanity setting a poor example of what civilisation is.

Phase 2:

Our creation fears making the same mistakes as we have & thus allowing history to repeat itself in the new universe, again.

Phase 3:

The being shocks audiences by telling them it would rather never be born than risk bringing about the same mistakes as we have.

Phase 4:

This dystopian message prompts a response for positive reports for what it means to be human & how, by remembering history, we can avoid making the same mistakes.

Phase 5:

This ultimately convinces the being to reject the negative aspects of our society & build upon the positives.


Audiences leave having participated in an experience where they directly evaluated society’s flaws & how we must all improve.

THE architects

THE TESTBED has been designed by Tundra Tides in collaboration with Mechanical Apple.

The concept’s foundations lie in the UK festival scene, where the purpose of festivals extend beyond entertainment & escapism: they are a microcosm for effecting positive change in wider society by involving & influencing the public.

Tundra Tides & Mechanical Apple have combined these principles with Bostrom’s theories & developed an experience to be delivered within a festival environment - mirroring the levels of simulated universes within simulated universes.