Tundra tides
is a Visual Artist based out of Bristol, UK

Experimenting with analogue video synthesis & an array of retro hardware - luscious, retro-futuristic visuals are produced for varied applications; from music videos & live shows to exhibitions & immersive environments.

Utilising various video synthesisers, 20th century video hardware & CRT televisions - Tundra Tides produce a range of visuals arts including: graphical stills & moving image, music videos, live visual shows & interactive installations

Working with modular video synthesis as the palette - electrifying patterns & striking colourscapes are manufactured through pure analogue output - resulting in uniquely vibrant & mind-melting visuals often described as


Both still & moving image medias are produced for varied purposes & applications; from graphic arts & music videos to visual performances & installations at festivals & events

Head to the VIDEO ART section of the site to see past projects, commissions & further info surrounding the equipment & production flow

With a network of over 100 different CRT televisions powered by analogue video synthesisers & retro video hardware - unique & immersive experiences are created across endless environments

A unique aesthetic that fills viewers with nostalgia through the warm glow of the cathode ray tubes (CRTs) & their distinctive crackles of white noise & fuzz

Retro televisions capture the essence of a bygone era, enhance the ambience & transport an audience back in time - making CRT-powered visual installations truly stand out amongst modern alternatives

Head over to INSTALLATIONS for past installs, music videos & THE TESTBED